What Can Great Wireless Do for Higher Education? (Part Two)

August 4, 2015

In our last blog, we discussed the benefits that effective WLAN can have on students and institutions themselves. Now let's discuss the benefits available to higher education IT teams.

Benefits of WLAN for IT Teams:

  • Flexibility: Even in locations where wiring is deemed impossible, wireless networking can provide secure, fast access. WLAN can also be used in temporary situations, such as conferences and other events.
  • Scalability: More consumer Wi-Fi products are hitting the market every day, and students and faculty expect sturdy high-speed Internet access across campus. IT staff can quickly meet demands across a broad area for a range of wired and wireless devices when they have a dependable, unified access network.
  • Lower Cost: Installing Ethernet across a large campus can be both time-consuming and costly. Wireless networks, can be installed more quickly and more affordably. Deploying wireless networking when appropriate, reduces operational overhead associated with changes, adds and moves.
  • Integration:A large campus with a dynamic user requirement may require WLAN being phased in over time and ongoing changes to the network design. Easy integration with existing network infrastructure is mandatory.
  • Security: Large university networks may be required to keep multiple security profiles, with each group (i.e. students, faculty, staff and visitors) requiring different levels of access.
  • Scalability: Universities often have little control over end-user devices, which leads to difficulties implementing and managing security mechanisms that require client software.
  • Reliability: An excellent wireless network means greater reliability for users and greater productivity for the IT Staff.

To learn more contact Direct Network Services, today.

Contact us at 978-952-6000 or email us at sales@directnetserv.com.

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